Newton Services
8-16 Filing
In a view where a Filing button can affect only one data item of several that
may be displayed in the view (perhaps by scrolling the view), there should
be a Filing button above each item, at the right side of the view. Generally
such a view has a separator bar above each data item, and a Filing button
should be at the right end of each separator bar. For example, each note in
the Notepad application has its own Filing button, which applies just to that
note. Figure 8-15 shows an example of Filing buttons above each data item
in a view.
Figure 8-15 A Filing button above an item affects only that item
A Filing Slip’s Contents 8
A Filing slip contains one or two clusters of radio buttons, one for selecting a
storage location and one for selecting a folder. An application can suppress
either cluster. For example, the built-in Date Book application suppresses the
cluster for selecting a folder. Furthermore, the system suppresses the cluster
for selecting a storage location if the Newton has only one storage location.
However, the Filing slip always contains at least one cluster of radio buttons.
If your application suppresses the folders cluster, the system does not suppress
the storage-locations cluster even if there is only one storage location
available. Figure 8-16 illustrates several configurations of the Filing slip.
iling button on a
eparator bar