Data Input
6-2 Input Fields
Figure 6-1 Users enter and edit data in input fields
Align field labels in neat columns, and be consistent in how you align field
values with field labels (including picker labels). Line up every field’s label
with the field’s displayed value, or line up every field’s label with the dotted
line on which a user edits the field value.
Use the bold style of the system font for text that is the voice of the application
or system, such as field labels. Use the plain style of the casual font for text
that represents the voice of a user, such as values the user enters or changes.
The casual font contrasts well with the system font and it has tested very
well with users. On an Apple MessagePad, use the 9- or 10-point size of the
system font and the 10- or 12-point size of the casual font.
Field labels are usually capitalized like sentences. That is, you capitalize the
first word but not any additional words unless they are proper nouns. Do not
put a colon at the end of a field label. The consistent use of fonts make it clear
which text is a label and which is a value.
abeled input