connecting equipment ADB 74 external modem 61 external monitor
mouse 74 printers 60
SCSI devices
sound input and output devices
Ethernet and telephone 179 Ethernet or telephone 175
conserving power 24 adjusting 6
Control Panels folder, contents 5 Control Strip 6, 22, 70, 73 copying disk images 182 crash, system 28
CTDs (cumulative trauma disorders) 138 customer support line 9, 93
custom installation
debugging applications, key combinations for 153
default printer, changing 6 demos, PowerBook 78 desktop
key combination for rebuilding 153 missing 96
rebuilding 98, 104
in SCSI disk mode
troubleshooting checking software extensions
reinstalling system software
dialing problems
external monitor 71 troubleshooting 103, 108
Disk First Aid software 5, 126 disk images, copying 182 disks, floppy. See floppy disks Disk Tools disk 123, 126 display
documents, unable to open 103 Drive Setup software 5, 123 dual speakers, location 4
ejecting storage devices
electronic manuals 8 elevation feet 4, 13 email 78 emissions 142 equipment
safety instructions
connecting cable to expansion slot card 176
icon 175
Ethernet and telephone connector 4, 59 with Y adapter 179