mReset the parameter RAM. (See “The Computer Makes an Unusual Sound at Startup, or You See a ‘Sad Macintosh’ Icon,” in the section “Problems Starting Up the Computer” earlier in this chapter for instructions.) Then select the printer in the Chooser and try printing again.
The printer does not appear in the Chooser.
mMake sure you’ve selected the correct kind of printer on the left side of the Chooser window. For example, if you’re using a StyleWriter II, make sure to select StyleWriter II, not StyleWriter.
mUse the scroll bars to look through all the selections in the Chooser windows.
mCheck the connections between your computer and the printer, including relevant sections of the network if appropriate. (See “Problems With Networks and File Sharing” later in this chapter.)
mMake sure the correct printer software is in the Extensions folder inside your System Folder.
mIf you’re using a network printer, make sure that AppleTalk is active in the Chooser. If you are using a printer connected directly to your computer, make sure AppleTalk is inactive, or the Printer/External modem port is not selected in the AppleTalk control panel.
mIf your network has zones, make sure the zone containing your printer is selected.
Nothing happens, or an error message appears, when you try to print.
mThere may not be enough memory for printing. Try the following: m Quit the program immediately after sending the Print command.
m Increase the amount of memory that Desktop PrintMonitor uses. (Locate Desktop PrintMonitor in the System Folder, select it, choose Get Info from the File menu, and type a larger number in the Preferred Size box.)
m Reduce the amount of memory the program uses.
mMake sure the printer is turned on. Some printers need to warm up for a few minutes after you turn them on.
mThe printer may be out of paper or may need attention. Check the printer status lights and any messages on your screen.
mOpen the current printer (its icon has a bold outline) and check for status messages.
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