5To use your Ethernet connection, open the AppleTalk control panel and choose Ethernet from the “Connect via”
If you want to use a
For more detailed instructions on using the network control panels, see the Networks topic area of Mac OS Guide, available in the Guide (h) menu.
Connecting a telephone line to the expansion slot card
Follow these steps to connect a standard telephone line to the card in your PowerBook:
1With the PowerBook shut down, open the cover on the computer’s back panel and verify that your computer has a card with a modular connector.
You can check the label on the inside of the cover to determine that the card provides a modem.
2Connect one end of a modular telephone cord that came with your computer to the wall socket for a residential phone line.
IMPORTANT Make certain that the phone line is the standard residential line, not a digital line. Connecting a digital line to your modem card could damage it. Also, you must use a
2 visible wires
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