Learning what your PowerBook can do
You can learn more about the software provided with your computer from an icon on the hard disk called PowerBook 3400 Demo. This demo includes a short explanation of principal features of your PowerBook, as well as tips for getting the most out of your computer.
To get started with your software, follow these steps:
1 Open the Macintosh HD icon (if necessary).
The files used to start up and control your computer
A lively tour of the computer’s hardware
A window similar to this appears.
Important information about your PowerBook
A simple
Access to the Internet, electronic mail, and more
Folders with the preinstalled software and related information
If you don’t see the demo’s icon, you can find a duplicate copy on the CD that came with your computer.
3Explore the demo’s content to learn about your PowerBook. When you’re finished, click Quit (or choose Quit from the File menu) to leave the demo.
IMPORTANT If you delete the PowerBook 3400 Demo icon, you have not deleted your preinstalled software. (Most of the software is in the Apple Extras and Applications folders on your computer’s hard disk.)
78Chapter 5