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See also Macintosh Guide’s onscreen index. Open the Guide (h) menu and choose Macintosh Guide; then click the Index button.
power cord
Power key location 4
turning computer off 22 turning computer on
PowerPC microprocessor ix “native” programs for 82
power sources
power strip 15
PRAM (perimeter RAM), resetting
preinstalled software, backing up 81,
printed manuals 9
Printer/External modem port, location 4, 59
changing default 6 connecting 60 troubleshooting
printing, not enough memory 101, 111 programs. See applications; software
question mark, flashing 16, 97, 113 QuickTime movies software 5 quitting a program, key
combinations 153
radiation 142
radio interference vii
RAM adding 75
default RAM disk settings
perimeter 95
RAM card, installing
rebooting computer 94 recharging batteries
rectangles, in Key Caps program 152 Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) technology ix
reference manuals 9 reinitializing the hard disk 124 Remote Access Client software 5 removing batteries
reset button location 4, 59 restarting computer 27, 94 turning on computer 15
of external monitor 68, 70 setting 6
Restart command (Special menu) 26 restarting the computer
key combinations 153 restoring software 81 RISC technology ix
RSIs (repetitive stress injuries) 138
sad Macintosh icon 95
safety features and instructions 11,
screen blank 103
problems 94,
screen resolution external monitor 68 setting 6
screwdriver, for installing RAM card 158
scroll arrow 21