4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
Document Organization
The guide contains the following sections:
Chapter 1, Introduction | Provides an overview of the 4600 Series IP Telephone |
| Administrator’s document. |
Chapter 2, Overview of Voice | Describes VoIP and factors influencing its performance that |
over IP (VoIP) | must be considered when implementing this feature. |
Chapter 3, Requirements | Describes the hardware and software requirements for Avaya’s |
| VoIP offering. |
Chapter 4, Server | Describes the administration of DHCP and TFTP for the 4600 |
Administration | Series IP Telephones. |
Chapter 5, Troubleshooting | Describes messages that may occur during the operation of the |
Guidelines | 4600 Series IP Telephones. |
Appendix A, Avaya - 46xx IP | Provides the MIB specification for the 46xx IP Telephones |
Telephone MIB | (4606, 4612, 4624, and 4630). |
Appendix B, Creating | Provides information on creating and customizing websites for |
Websites for the 4630 IP | viewing on the 4630 IP Telephone. Also describes the current |
Telephone | capabilities and limitations of the 4630’s web browser. |
Appendix C, Creating | Provides information on creating and customizing websites for |
Websites for the 4620 IP | viewing on the 4620 IP Telephone. Also describes the current |
Telephone | capabilities and limitations of the 4620’s web browser. |
Change History
Issue 1.0 | This document was issued for the first time in November 2000. |
Issue 1.1 | This version of the document, revised and issued in April 2001, |
| supports through DEFINITY® Release 9. |
Issue 1.5 | This version of the document was revised in June, 2001 to |
| support DEFINITY® Release 9.5. |
Issue 1.6 | This version of the document was revised to support DEFINITY® |
| Release 10 and the 4630 IP Telephone. |
Issue 1.7 | This is the current version of this document, revised to support |
| MultiVantageTM Release 11 and the 4602 and 4620 IP |
| Telephones. |
Document Organization