4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
The implication for rendering WML pages is that the local environment will always override a global template for <do> types with the same name and type. If there is a onevent in the template and a local onevent of the same type, the local onevent takes precedence over the global one.
■<access> - The <access> tag limits access within the deck to certain cards. This tag is not supported.
Text Elements
■<br> tag - The <br> tag tells the browser to add a line break to the text at the point the element is written.
■<p> tag - The <p> tag specifies a paragraph of text with alignment and line wrapping properties. All text data must be contained inside this tag. Only <do> tags, wml and card elements can exist outside of the <p> tag. When rendered, this tag will cause subsequent text to begin on the next line.
Attribute | Value | Description | Comments |
align | left | Aligns the paragraph. | SUPPORTED |
| right | Default is “left” |
| center |
mode | wrap | Sets whether a paragraph | Since horizontal scrolling is |
| nonwrap | should wrap lines or not | not supported, all text lines |
| are wrapped. WML pages |
| with mode=nowrap are |
| ignored, and the text will |
| wrap. NOT SUPPORTED. |
The following tags are not supported but the content inside the tags will be rendered as normal text:
■<table> tag - The <table> tag specifies a table. This tag is not supported.
■<td> tag - The <td> tag defines individual cell contents in each row of a defined table. This tag is not supported.
■<tr> tag - The <tr> tag defines each row of a defined table. This tag is not supported.
Text Elements