N Wireless Router
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f� Modem status
This icon lights in blu e to indicate that yo ur modem is conn ected
properly to the Router. It t urns amber when problem is detec ted.
OFF Router is NOT connecte d to
Solid Blue Router is connected to modem
and functioning prope rly
Blinking Amber Problem with modem
g� Internet status
This unique icon shows you when the Router is connected to t he
Internet. When the ligh t is off, the Route r is NOT connected to the
Internet. When the ligh t is blinking ambe r, the Router is atte mpting
to connect to the Intern et. When the light is solid blue, the Router is
connected to the Intern et. When using th e “Disconnect af ter x minutes”
feature, this icon beco mes extremely u seful in monitorin g the status of
your Router’s connection.
OFF Router is NOT connecte d to
the Internet
Blinking Amber Router is attempting to connect
to the Internet
Solid Blue Router is connected to the