N Wireless Router
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UsINg THe Web-based adVaNCed UseR INTeRfaCe
Choosing an application
Select your applicatio n from the drop- down list. Click “Add”. The
settings will be trans ferred to the nex t available space i n the screen.
Click “Apply Changes” to save the setting for that application. To remove
an application, selec t the number of th e row that you want to remove
then click “Clear”.
Manually entering settings into the Virtual server
To manually enter settings , enter the IP addr ess in the space provided
for the internal (serve r) machine, the po rt(s) required to pass (use a
comma between multipl e ports), select the port type (TCP or UDP),
and click “Apply Changes”. You can only pass one po rt per internal IP
address. Opening por ts in your firewal l can pose a sec urity risk. You can
enable and disable se ttings very qui ckly. It is recommen ded that you
disable the settings w hen you are not us ing a specific a pplication.
setting Client IP filters
The Router can be conf igured to restric t access to the I nternet, email, o r
other network servic es at specific days and times. Re striction can be set
for a single computer, a ra nge of computers , or multiple comp uters.