N Wireless Router
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UsINg THe Web-based adVaNCed UseR INTeRfaCe
blocking an ICMP Ping
Computer hackers use w hat is known as “p inging” to find pote ntial
victims on the Internet . By pinging a spe cific IP address and receiving a
response from the IP a ddress, a hacker c an determine that something of
interest might be there . The Router can b e set up so it wil l not respond
to an ICMP ping from the ou tside. This heightens your Router’s
security level.
To turn off the ping respo nse, select “Blo ck ICMP Ping” (1) and cli ck
“Apply Changes”. The Router wil l not respond to a n ICMP ping.
The “Utilities” screen lets you manage d ifferent parame ters of the Router
and perform certa in administrative functions.