• ping -send an ICMP packet to remote host
• ripfilter -filter RIP packets using the RIP filter list
• route -display and change IPX routing tables
• sap -display and change SAP routing tables
• sapfilter -filter IPX packets using the SAP filter list
• spoof -configure/display which packets to spoof
• tcp/ip -change to TCP/IP mode
Before listing the commands alphabetically, the following general information is provided:
• IPX addresses
• Interface addresses
• Reserved destination socket numbers
• IPX server types
• IPX packet types
3.1 Interface Addresses
The iface[/frame_type] parameters indicate the interface and frame type. iface is specified as one of the
following, depending on your Router model: eth0, sync0, modem0, modem1, modem2, modem3, or
modem4. If eth0 is selected, the frame_type can be specified as part of the interface, and can be either
802.3, 802.2, SNAP or II (for Ethernet Type 2). Use a slash to separate the iface from the frame_type—for
example, eth0/802.2. If left unspecified, the default frame_type is 802.3.
For the Ethernet interface, the iface parameter is a string of the form eth0/frame_type. For all other
interfaces, iface is of the form modemX. Examples are:
ethN Ethernet N interface, raw 802.3 frame type
ethN/802.3 Ethernet N interface, raw 802.3 frame type
ethN/II Ethernet N interface, Ethernet Type II frame type
ethN/SNAP Ethernet N interface, 802.3 SNAP frame type
ethN/802.2 Ethernet N interface, 802.3 LLC frame type
modem N Modem N interface; modems are numbered from 0 to 4, depending on your
Router model. See the User’s Guide (in the front of this manual) for details.
sync0 Synchronous interface (Sync Router only)