Alarm Configuration
You need not close the Ring Alarms window before launching the Station Alarms window; just move the Ring Alarms window out of the way, if necessary, to reach the main Ring/Stn Alarms window.
Figure 4-3. The Station Alarms Window
The alarm Timebase displayed here is defined in the Ring Alarms window and applies to all enabled alarms at both the ring and station levels; this is the interval (in seconds) over which the selected variable(s) will be counted for comparison to the threshold values. For example, if the Burst Errors alarm is enabled, the threshold is set at 10, and the timebase is set to 10 seconds, the TRMMIM will generate an alarm if 10 burst errors are detected by the selected station(s) within a 10-second time period.
Setting and Viewing Station Alarms |