Using the Song Sequencer


To adjust the velocity value of a note event


6. Press the R-16 (ENTER) button.






This will display the setting screen like the one shown






1. Display the event editor screen of the track you







want to edit.









• See “To select a track for editing” (page E-91).






2. Depending on the type of adjustment you want







make, perform one of the operations below.
















To adjust this:


Do this:







Individual note event

On the event editor screen,








move the cursor to the note








event you want to adjust and


The following explains the meanings and setting ranges



then advance to step 3.






of the on-screen items. The settings marked with an








All note events in a track

Advance to step 3.



asterisk (*) in the “Setting Range” column are initial











Note events within a

Advance to step 3.












specific range in a track




Item name


Setting Range








Specifies a fixed value as the

oFF*, 001 to 127

3. While holding down the R-13 (FUNCTION)




(Fixed value)

velocity value.



button, press the C-17 (MENU) button to display




Select “oFF” for this setting to






adjust based on the current



the event editor menu.




velocity value of each note











4. Use the R-17 (t, y) buttons to move the 0to









These settings are enabled

000% to 100%* to


“VelocityMod.” and then press the R-16


(Velocity Rate)

only when the “oFF” is






selected for the “Fix” setting.



(ENTER) button.













They change the velocity



• This displays the “Velocity Modify” screen.




value of each note event






according to the mathematical

















expression (decimal parts cut









off) shown below. 1 is used

–126 to 000* to






(Velocity Offset)

when the value produced by









the expression is less than 1,









and 127 is used when it is









greater than 127.









(Current velocity) X (Rate









setting) + (Offset setting)















7. To change the setting to the desired value,






press the R-16 (ENTER) button.


5. Use the dial or R-14 (–, +) buttons to change the


8. In response to the “Sure?” message that


mode indicated in the thick brackets (%).




appears, press the R-14 (YES) button to execute







To adjust this:


Select this mode:


the adjustment or the R-14 (NO) button to


Individual note event

















All note events in a track

















Note events within a specific range








in a track

















While the “Locator” mode is selected, use the R-17 (u, i) buttons, the dial, or the R-14(–, +) buttons to specify the range whose note event velocity value you want to adjust.
