Using the Pattern Sequencer

To edit events with the pattern sequencer

1.On the pattern sequencer screen, select the “Recorded Data” or “Empty” status instrument part whose events you want to edit.

You can perform event editing on one of the following types of parts.

A “Recorded Data” or “Empty” status part that you are currently editing using the procedure under “To edit an existing rhythm” (page E-107)

A “Recorded Data” or “Empty” status part that you are currently editing using the procedure under “To create a new rhythm from scratch” (page E-111)

An “Empty” status part that has undergone one of the procedures under “To clear all rec areas included in the currently selected rhythm” (page E-120), “To clear a rec area of an instrument part” (page E-118), or “To clear all instrument part rec areas included in an accompaniment pattern” (page E-120)

A “Recorded Data” status part that has undergone the procedure under “To copy preset or user rhythm instrument part data to a rec area” (page E-119)

2.While holding down the R-13 (FUNCTION) button, press the C-4 (EDIT) button to display the edit menu.

3.Use the R-17 (t, y) buttons to move the 0to “EventEdit” and then press the R-16 (ENTER) button.

This displays the event editor screen shown below. For information about display contents, see “Event Editor Screen Contents” (page E-114).

4.Perform the following operations.

To do this:

Perform this procedure,

starting from step 2:


Change the settings of already

“To edit an existing event”

recorded event data

(page E-92)



Delete an individual event

“To delete an individual event”


(page E-92)



Delete all events in a track

“To delete all events in a track”


(page E-93)



Delete all events within a

“To delete all events in a

specific range of the part being

specific range of a track” (page





Insert events

“To insert an event” (page





Copy events within a specific

“To copy the events within a

range to a desired location

specific range to a desired


location” (page E-94)



Quantize an individual note

“To quantize an individual note


event” (page E-95)



Quantize all note events in the

“To quantize all note events in

part being edited

a track” (page E-96)



Quantize all note events in a

“To quantize all note events

specific range of the part being

within specific range of a track”


(page E-96)



Delete pitch bender events

“Deleting Pitch Bender Events”


(page E-97)



Step input of note events

“To perform step input” (page



Batch adjust the velocity

“To adjust the velocity value of

(intensity) of note events

a note event” (page E-98)

included in the part being






Batch adjust the gate time

“To adjust the gate time value

(length) of note events

of a note event” (page E-99)

included in the part being






Select the types of events that

“To select the types of events

appear on the event editor

that appear on the Event Editor


screen (View Select)” (page



*1 The “SysTrack” item on the input menu is not a pattern sequencer event editor item.

*2 There are three view select setting items: Note, PitchBend, and Modulation.
