Using the Pattern Sequencer


Event Editor Screen Contents

Pitch bender, modulation



“Bend” (pitch bender even) or “Mod” (modulation event) is



The event editor screen shows the individual events recorded

indicated to the right of the event location information,

to an instrument part as shown in the sample screen below.

followed by parameter value. “VALU” is displayed at when



the cursor is located at a parameter value.

Event being edited (selected event)

















































































































Events before (previous event) and after


Event name (Bend or Mod)



(following event) the current event
















Parameter value (VALU)











The event editor screen shows three events at one time.











The event in the middle line is the selected event. You can











change the value where the solid-line cursor is located. A















Setting Range


broken line under a setting value indicates that the cursor




can be moved to that value.


Note name

C- to C0 to G9*

The values in the format “001:01:00” at the beginning of the











Gate time

00:00 to 99:95


event indicate the recording location (timing) of the event as












measure:beat:tick. A “tick” is a time unit that is shorter than



000 to 127


one beat. Pattern sequencer data uses 96 ticks per beat











Pitch Bender

Pitch Bender

–8192 to 0000 to +8191


(for 2/4 to 8/4) or 48 ticks per beat (for 2/8 to 16/8).














000 to 127






Pattern sequencer records three types of events: notes










* When “C-” is displayed, it indicates C-1 (one octave below

(keyboard play), pitch bender operations, and modulation










operations. These events are represented on the screen as


















described below.











The note name is indicated to the right of the event location information, followed by the gate time (note length), and velocity (note speed) parameters. shows an abbreviation of the parameter name where the cursor is currently located.






















Note name (NOTE)


Velocity (VEL)











Gate time (GATE)
