Using the Pattern Sequencer





4. Use the R-17 (t, y) buttons to select one of


Configuring Instrument Part




the items described in the table below and then


Playback Settings




use the dial or R-14 (–, +) buttons to change the


(Part Parameters)




The settings in this section control how instruments parts you

For details about each setting item, see “Pattern


Sequencer Part Parameters” (page E-117).

are currently editing or creating are sounding when played


You can configure only bend range settings for drum

back as Auto Accompaniment after being saved as a user


and percussion parts.


rhythm. These settings are configured using the “PartPara”






(Part Parameter) item on the edit menu.


Display: Item name

Setting Range






Table: Chord conversion table

01 to 19








• You can configure part parameters for an instrument


BreakPoint: Break Point

C to B





Invert: Inversion

oFF, on, 7th


part whose status (page E-103) is “Recorded Data” or







“Empty”. You cannot configure part parameters for an


Retrigger: Retrigger

oFF, on


instrument part whose status is “Fix Data”.






BendRange: Bend Range

00 to 12







To configure pattern sequencer part





5. After configuring the settings you want, press





the R-15 (EXIT) button twice.


1. On the pattern sequencer screen, select the

This returns to the pattern sequencer screen.





“Recorded Data” or “Empty” status instrument





part whose part parameters you want to









2. While holding down the R-13 (FUNCTION)





button, press the C-4 (EDIT) button to display





the edit menu.




3. Use the R-17 (t, y) buttons to move the 0to





“PartPara” and then press the R-16 (ENTER)










• This displays the “Part Para” screen.










