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NAM Type DSG: This type of DSG allows the user to group NAM datasources
Switch/Router Type DSG: This type of DSG allows the user to group Switch/Router datasources
Depending on the type of DSG you select, the devices and datasources for the appropriate type are shown. You can select the device, click the
right arrow to list the datasources for that device, and then select the datasources to add to the group. For more detailed instructions on this
process and what the individual fields mean, see the Cisco PVM User Guide.
1. Cisco PVM collects interface statistics for all switch/router interfaces. It also collects mini-RMON information from switches/routers if
it is available.
2. Cisco ISRs do not support mini-RMON, so only interface table statistics are collected from ISRs. While with Cisco PVM you can group
datasources from ISRs and Switch/Routers that support mini-RMON (7600 Series Routers and 6500 Series Switches), the information
available from these two groups are different. So if you group together datasources from ISRs and mini-RMON supporting devices, you
see Interface reports for all datasources, but Ethernet statistics reports are available for only those datasources that support mini-RMON.
3. When grouping datasources, ensure that you select datasources that carry the traffic that you are interested in.
4. When you add switches or routers in Cisco PVM, it creates some default datasource groups for you. When you add a router, Cisco PVM
creates a default ALL_INTERFACES group which contains all discovered interfaces on the router. When you add a switch, in addition
to the ALL_INTERFACES group, Cisco PVM creates an ALL_VLAN group with all discovered VLANs.