$su - oracle
$export ORACLE_SID=cnam $sqlplus /nolog sqlplus>connect /as sysdba sqlplus>shutdown immediate sqlplus>quit
$export ORACLE_SID=spdw $sqlplus /nolog sqlplus>connect /as sysdba sqlplus>shutdown immediate sqlplus>quit
$lsnrctl stop
4.Shutdown any rogue Oracle processes
If you see any oracle process, kill them manually.
At this point, you should check any semaphores or queues that might be left open by the terminated oracle processes. $ ipcs
If you see any semaphores or queues that belong to oracle, kill them using: $ipcrm
The options for this command are:
5.Remove Cisco PVM directories.
$rm – rf /var/tmp/.oracle $rm
6.Follow your security guidelines to remove the ‘pvmadm’ and ‘oracle’ users from the system.
Start and Stop Procedure:
Starting and stopping Cisco PVM is a simple procedure.
To start Cisco PVM:
$su – pvmadm $pvm start
To stop Cisco PVM:
$su – pvmadm $pvm stop
1.Cisco PVM is automatically started at server restart. Both Cisco PVM server processes and Oracle processes are started at server
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