Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
AppendixB Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images Working with the Flash File System
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create a file, display the contents, and extract
Command Purpose
Step1 archive /create destination-url
flash:/file-url Create a file and add files to it.
For destination-url, specify the destination URL alias for the local or network
file system and the name of the file to create. The -filename. is the file to be
created. These options are supported:
Local flash file system syntax:
FTP syntax:
RCP syntax:
TFTP syntax:
For flash:/file-url, specify the location on the local flash file system in which
the new file is created. You can also specify an optional list o f files or directories
within the source directory to add to the new file. If none are speci fied, all files
and directories at this level are written to the newly created file.
Step2 archive /table source-url Display the contents of a file.
For source-url, specify the source URL alias for the local or network file
system. The -filename. is the file to display. These options are supported:
Local flash file system syntax:
FTP syntax:
RCP syntax:
TFTP syntax:
You can also limit the file displays by specifying a list o f files or direct ories after
the file. Only those files appear. If none are specified, all files and directories