Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking
This chapter describes how to configure enhanced object tracking on the switch. This feature provides a
more complete alternative to the Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) tracking mechanism. which
allows you to track the line-protocol state of an interface. If the line protocol state of an interface goes
down, the HSRP priority of the interface is reduced and another HSRP device with a higher priority
becomes active. The enhanced object tracking featu re se parates t he track ing me chanism f rom HSRP an d
creates a separate, standalone tracking process that can be used by processes other than HSRP. This
allows tracking other objects in addition to the interface line-protocol state. A client proces s, such as
HSRP, can register an interest in tracking objects and requ est noti fication w h en the tr ac ked obj ect
changes state.This feature increases the availability and speed of recovery of a routing system and
decreases outages and outage duration.
Unless otherwise noted, the term switch refers to a standalone switch and to a switch stack.
For more information about enhanced object tracking and the commands used to configure it, see this
The chapter includes these sections:
Understanding Enhanced Object Tracking, page 42-1
Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking Features, page42-2
Monitoring Enhanced Object Tracking, page42-10

Understanding Enhanced Object Tracking

Each tracked object has a unique number that is specified in the tracking command-line interface (CLI).
Client processes use this number to track a specific object. The tracking process periodically polls the
tracked object for value changes and sends any changes (as up or down values) t o inte re ste d cl ient
processes, either immediately or after a specified delay. Several clients can track the same object, and
can take different actions when the object changes state.
You can also track a combination of objects in a list by using either a weight threshold or a percentage
threshold to measure the state of the list. You can combine objects using Boolean logic. A tracked list
with a Boolean “AND” function requires that each object in the list be in an up state for the tracke d object
to be up. A tracked list with a Boolean “OR” function needs only one object in the list to be in the up
state for the tracked object to be up.