Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
AppendixB Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images Working with Software Images
The download algorithm verifies that the image is appropriate f or the swi tch m odel and t hat enou gh
DRAM is present, or it aborts the process and reports an error. If you spec ify the /overwrite option, the
download algorithm removes the existing image on the flash device, whether or not it is the same as the
new one, downloads the new image, and then reloads the software.
Note If the flash device has sufficient space to hold two images and you want to overwrite one of thes e images
with the same version, you must specify the /overwrite option.
If you specify the /leave-old-sw, the existing files are not removed. If there is not enough space to install
the new image and keep the running image, the download process stops, a nd an er ror m essage is
The algorithm installs the downloaded image onto the system board flash device (flash:). The imag e is
placed into a new directory named with the software versio n strin g, and the B OO T en vi ronmen t v ariable
is updated to point to the newly installed image.
If you kept the old image during the download process (you specified the /leave-old-sw keyword), you
can remove it by entering the delete /force /recursive filesystem:/file-url privileged EXEC command.
For filesystem, use flash: for the system board flash device. For file-url, enter the directory name of the
old software image. All the files in the directory and the direc tor y are removed.
Caution For the download and upload algorithms to operate properly, do not rename image names.
Uploading an Image File By Using FTP
You can upload an image from the switch to an FTP server. You can later download this image to the
same switch or to another switch of the same type.
Use the upload feature only if the web management pages associated with the embedded device manager
have been installed with the existing image.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to upload an image to an FTP server:
Command Purpose
Step1 Verify that the FTP server is properly configured by referring
to the “Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration
File By Using FTP” section on page B-14.
Step2 Log into the switch through the console port, the Ethernet
management port, or remotely through a Telnet session by
using the IP address of the Ethernet management port.
Step3 configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
This step is required only if you override the default remote
username or password (see Steps 4, 5, and 6).
Step4 ip ftp username username (Optional) Change the default remote username.
Step5 ip ftp password password (Optional) Change the default password.