Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
4Configuring Cisco IOS CNS Agents 4-1
Understanding Cisco Configuration Engine Software 4-1
Configuration Service 4-2
Event Service 4-3
NameSpace Mapper 4-3
What You Should Know About the CNS IDs and Device Hostna mes 4-3
ConfigID 4-3
DeviceID 4-4
Hostname and DeviceID 4-4
Using Hostname, DeviceID, and ConfigID 4-4
Understanding Cisco IOS Agents 4-5
Initial Configuration 4-5
Incremental (Partial) Configuration 4-6
Synchronized Configuration 4-6
Configuring Cisco IOS Agents 4-6
Enabling Automated CNS Configuration 4-6
Enabling the CNS Event Agent 4-8
Enabling the Cisco IOS CNS Agent 4-9
Enabling an Initial Configuration 4-9
Enabling a Partial Configuration 4-13
Displaying CNS Configuration 4-14
5Managing Switch Stacks 5-1
Understanding Switch Stacks 5-1
Switch Stack Membership 5-3
Stack Master Election and Re-Election 5-6
Switch Stack Bridge ID and Router MAC Address 5-8
Stack Member Numbers 5-8
Stack Member Priority Values 5-9
Switch Stack Offline Configuration 5-9
Effects of Adding a Provisioned Switch to a Switch Stack 5-9
Effects of Replacing a Provisioned Switch in a Switch Stack 5-11
Effects of Removing a Provisioned Switch from a Switch Stack 5-11
Hardware Compatibility and SDM Mismatch Mode in Sw itch Stacks 5-11
Switch Stack Software Compatibility Recommendations 5-11
Stack Protocol Version Compatibility 5-12
Major Version Number Incompatibility Among Switc hes 5-12