Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
Chapter21 Configuring DHCP Features and IP Source Guard
Configuring DHCP Features

DHCP Snooping and Switch Stacks

DHCP snooping is managed on the stack master. When a ne w switch joi ns th e stac k, the switch recei v e s
the DHCP snooping configuration from the stack master. When a member leaves the stack, all DHCP
snooping address bindings associated with the switch age out.
All snooping statistics are generated on the stack master. If a new stack master is elected, the statistics
counters reset.
When a stack merge occurs, all DHCP snooping bindings in the stack master are lost if it is no longer
the stack master. With a stack partition, the existing stack master is unchanged, and the bindings
belonging to the partitioned switches age out. The new master of the partitioned stack begins processing
the new incoming DHCP packets. For more information about switch stacks, see Chapter5, “Managing
Switch Stacks.”
Configuring DHCP Features
These sections contain this configuration information:
Default DHCP Configuration, page 21-8
DHCP Snooping Configuration Guidelines, page 21-9
Configuring the DHCP Server, page 21-10
DHCP Server and Switch Stacks, page 21-10
Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent, page 21-11
Specifying the Packet Forwarding Address, page 21-11
Enabling DHCP Snooping and Option 82, page 21-12
Enabling DHCP Snooping on Private VLANs, page 21-14
Enabling the Cisco IOS DHCP Server Database, page 21-14
Enabling the DHCP Snooping Binding Database Agent, page 21-14

Default DHCP Configuration

Table21-1 shows the de fault DH CP co nfiguration.
Table21-1 Default DHCP Configuration
Feature Default Setting
DHCP server Enabled in Cisco IOS software, requires
DHCP relay agent Enabled2
DHCP packet forwarding address None configured
Checking the relay agent information Enabled (invalid messages are dropped)2
DHCP relay agent forwarding policy Replace the existing relay agent information2
DHCP snooping enabled globally Disabled
DHCP snooping information option Enabled