Wireless-G VPN Broadband Router
•Syslog Server IP Address. Enter the IP Address of the Syslog Server.
•Syslog Priority. Select the priority from the
Notification Queue Length
•Log queue Length. Enter the number of entries in the log queue in the field.
•Log Time Threshold. Enter the time for the threshold in the field.
Alert Log
Select the type of attacks that you want to be alerted to. Select Syn Flooding, IP Spoofing, Win Nuke, Ping of Death, or Unauthorized Login attempt.
General Log.
Select the type of activity you would like to log. Select System Error Messages, Deny Policies, Allow Policies, Content Filtering, Data Inspection, authorized Login, or Configuration Changes.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Ping Test (See Figure
Ping Test Parameters
Ping Target IP. Enter the IP Address that you want to ping in the field.
No. of Pings. Enter the number of times that you want to ping.
Ping Size. Enter the size of the ping packets.
Ping Interval. Enter the ping interval in Milliseconds.
Ping Timeout. Enter the time in Milliseconds.
Click the Start Test button to start the Ping Test. Click the Abort Test button to stop the test. Click the Clear Result button to clear the results. The results of the test will display in the window.
Chapter 6: Configuring the Router
Figure 6-32: Ping Test
The Administration Tab