Chapter 2: Planning your Wireless Network
What is a VPN?
Wireless-G VPN Broadband Router
At this point, your data becomes open to hackers using a variety of methods to steal not only the data you are
transmitting but also your network login and security data. Some of the most common methods are as follows:
1) MAC Address Spoofing
Packets transmitted over a network, either your local network or the Internet, are preceded by a packet header.
These packet headers contain both the source and destination information for that packet to transmit efficiently.
A hacker can use this information to spoof (or fake) a MAC address allowed on the network. With this spoofed
MAC address, the hacker can also intercept information meant for another user.
2) Data Sniffing
Data "sniffing" is a method used by hackers to obtain network data as it travels through unsecured networks,
such as the Internet. Tools for just this kind of activity, such as protocol analyzers and network diagnostic tools,
are often built into operating systems and allow the data to be viewed in clear text.
3) Man in the middle attacks
Once the hacker has either sniffed or spoofed enough information, he can now perform a "man in the middle"
attack. This attack is performed, when data is being transmitted from one network to another, by rerouting the
data to a new destination. Even though the data is not received by its intended recipient, it appears that way to
the person sending the data.
These are only a few of the methods hackers use and they are always developing more. Without the security of
your VPN, your data is constantly open to such attacks as it travels over the Internet. Data travelling over the
Internet will often pass through many different servers around the world before reaching its final destination.
That's a long way to go for unsecured data and this is when a VPN serves its purpose.
What is a VPN?
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a connection between two endpoints - a VPN Router, for instance - in
different networks that allows private data to be sent securely over a shared or public network, such as the
Internet. This establishes a private network that can send data securely between these two locations or
This is done by creating a "tunnel". A VPN tunnel connects the two PCs or networks and allows data to be
transmitted over the Internet as if it were still within those networks. Not a literal tunnel, it is a connection
secured by encrypting the data sent between the two networks.
VPN was created as a cost-effective alternative to using a private, dedicated, leased line for a private network.
Using industry standard encryption and authentication techniques - IPSec, short for IP Security - the VPN creates