6.After the STARTUP.NCF file has been edited, save the file and reboot the server to activate the new STARTUP.NCF.
7.Upon reboot navigate to the System Console and type scan all. This will start a scan of all the LUNS on each adapter.
8.When the scan is complete, verify the LUN device has been detected using the list storage adapters command.
Typical output with both the tape drive and loader being recognized:
Netware may display unbound device, meaning a driver is not bound to the loader unless a driver from a backup software is loaded. This does not prevent the backup application from detecting the LUN and binding the appropriate driver.
NOTE: The user must type the command scan all upon OS boot every time. If backup software services automatically start on OS boot, the user must disable them, run the scan all command, and
NOTE: Netware may display unbound device meaning a driver is not bound to the loader unless a driver from a backup software is loaded. This does not prevent the backup application from detecting the LUN and binding the appropriate driver.