7.8 Network Problems Troubleshooting
7.8.1 General Problems
Problem | Solution |
System does not function with some wrong | Possibly the parameters in PortThru are corrupted.Restart the system |
values entered y mistake while configuring. | and set to factory defaults on the printer front panel or on your computer |
| using SyncThru. |
Not able to access from SNMP Manager. | Try pinging from the same system on which SNMP manager is running. |
SyncThru is unable to automatically detect | If it does not succeed,there must be a problem with network connectivity |
print servers. | between the manager and PortThru.If ping succeeds,verify that community |
| names with sufficient permissions have been used. |
SyncThru is unable to automatically detect | Check the environment as described in Auto Detection of Print Server. |
print servers. | Check NetWare file server consoles for error messages regarding |
| nodes with conflicting network numbers. |
You cannot see any of DHCP server, BOOTP | On Network Interface in SyncThru,you should set “Static” to “IP Address |
server or RARP server,when you want to set | Assignment Method” in TCP/IP tab.You should set IP address,Subnet |
IP address to print server. | Mask and Default Gateway to print server. |
Print server does not print using | 1.Check whether TCP/IP protocol is installed in your PC. |
TCP/IP protocol. | 2.Check whether your PC is on the same network with print server . |
Unable to print in NetWare environment. | Use SyncThru to see if PortThru indicates that queue is serviceable. |
| If not, the login permissions may have changed or the configuration |
| information for queues,printers and print servers may have been |
| changed. Verify using PCONSOLE and NWADMIN that the configuration |
| is correct and check the job queue to see if the print job exists. Check |
| that NetWare is enabled on PortThru.Check that the Check Job every is |
| configured on PortThru. |
The status of printer is displayed ‘unknown’ in | 1.Check the protocol of your PC and install DLC/LLC or IPX/SPX protocol. |
SyncThru. | 2.Assign IP Address to PortThru using the front panel. |
The name of printer is displayed empty while | 1.Check the protocol of your PC and install DLC/LLC or IPX/SPX protocol. |
adding a port and the printer doesn’t function. | 2.Assign IP Address to PortThru using the front panel. |