9.When prompted, remove the NIC driver diskette 2 from the diskette drive and insert the NIC driver diskette 1.
10.When the Setup Message confirms that the 3Com dRMON SmartAgent PC Software has been successfully installed, click OK.
The operating system continues copying the appropriate driver files.
11.When the operating system has finished copying files from the NIC driver dis- kette 1, click Close in the Windows Welcome screen. Then click Close in the Network window.
12.If you are prompted to do so, enter information about your specific network. See your network administrator for information.
13.Click Yes in the Network Settings Change window to restart your system.
The Windows 95 operating system automatically detects and installs the NIC driver. This subsection provides instructions for reinstalling the NIC driver on systems run- ning a
To determine your operating system version, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click the Control Panel.
NOTE: If you reinstall Windows 95, you must use either the Windows 95 operating system release version provided by Dell or its equivalent. Because of the advanced architecture of your Dell Precision 210 system, some components will not function 'HOOcorrectly,QVWDOOHGwith Windows:LQGRZV95 versions6HUYLFHearlier5HOHDVHthan ServiceRelease 2.0 or 2.1.
To reinstall the NIC driver in a system running
1.Use the Program Diskette Maker (located in the Dell Accessories program folder) to make a diskette copy of the NIC drivers installed on your
2.Connect the network cable to the back of your computer.
See “Network Cable Requirements” found earlier in this chapter for detailed instructions.
3.Verify that the integrated NIC is enabled and connected to its network. See “NIC” in Chapter 3 for more information.
Using the Network Interface Controller