The system detects a PCI Ethernet controller.
22.At the Add New Hardware Wizard window, click Next.
23.When prompted to search for a driver, click Next.
24.When prompted for the location of the driver, click the Specify a Location check- box and verify that c:\windows\options\cabs is the search location. Then click Next.
25.When a message appears indicating that Windows 98 has found the best driver for the device, click Next.
26.When prompted to insert the NIC driver diskette, click OK.
27.At the Copying Files window, click the down arrow and click a:\.Then click OK.
28.When a message appears telling you that Windows 98 has finished installing the software, click Finish.
29.When prompted to restart your computer, remove the NIC driver diskette from drive A and click Yes.
30.When the Enter Network Password dialog box appears, enter the user name and password you want to use for network access.
31.From the desktop,
5HLQVWDOOLQJWKH32. When prompted1,&'ULYHUto restart theIRUDQsystem,([LVWLQJclick Yes:LQGRZV. ,QVWDOODWLRQ
Follow these steps to reinstall the NIC driver for an existing Windows 98 installation:
1.Use the Program Diskette Maker (located in the Dell Accessories program folder) to make a diskette copy of the NIC drivers installed on your
2.Remove the existing driver (if any) by
3.Insert NIC driver diskette 2 into drive A.
4.In the Configuration window, click Add.
5.In the Select Network Component Type window, click Adapter, and then click Add.
6.In the Select Network Adapters window, click Have Disk.
Using the Network Interface Controller