Extended Message Options
AT\V1 affects only ATW0 and ATW2 commands.
If ATW0, ATV1, and AT\V0 are selected and the DTE rate is 57600 bits/s, then “CONNECT 57600” will be displayed regardless of protocol.
If ATW0, ATV1, and AT\V1, are selected and the DTE rate is 57600 bits/s, then:
a. “CONNECT 57600/NONE” will be displayed for V.14 connection
b. “CONNECT 57600/ MNP” will be displayed for MNP connection
If ATW2, ATV1, and AT\V0 are selected and the DCE rate is 14400 bits/s, then “CONNECT 14400” will be displayed regardless of protocol.
If ATW2, ATV1, and AT\V1 are selected and the DCE rate is 14400 bits/s, then:
a. “CONNECT 14400/NONE” will be displayed for V.14 connection
b. “CONNECT 14400/ MNP” will be displayed for MNP connection
If ATV0 is selected, then a set of numeric code will be displayed. Please refer to the table for further information.
If ATW1 and ATV1 is selected, then the display will be as follows:
a. nonprotocol mode
CARRIER 14400 for line speed
PROTOCOL: NONE for protocol
COMPRESSION: NONE for data compression
CONNECT 57600 for DTE speed
b. MNP mode, with MNP 3, 4 protocol and MNP5 data compression
CARRIER 14400 for line speed
PROTOCOL: MNP 3,4 for protocol
COMPRESSION: CLASS 5 for data compression
CONNECT 57600 for DTE speed
c. LAPM mode, with V.42bis data compression
CARRIER 14400 for line speed
COMPRESSION: V.42bis for data compression
CONNECT 57600 for DTE speed
The OK code is returned by the modem to acknowledge execution of a command line.
The modem will send this result code upon connection when:
1.The line speed is 300 bits/s, and the modem has been instructed to report the line speed to the DTE upon connecting, or
2.The DTE speed is 300 bits/s, and the modem has been instructed to report the DTE speed to the DTE upon connecting, or
3.The range of result code responses is restricted by the X command such that no speed reporting is allowed.
144 | T1 Modem Bank |