III‐3‐5‐1‐3. WPA Pre‐Shared Key
WPA pre‐shared key is the recommended and most secure encryption type.
WPA Unicast | Select from WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES) or WPA2 |
Cipher Suite | Mixed. WPA2 (AES) is safer than WPA (TKIP), |
| but not supported by all wireless clients. Please |
| make sure your wireless client supports your |
| selection. WPA2 (AES) is recommended |
| followed by WPA2 Mixed if your client does not |
| support WPA2 (AES). |
Pre‐shared Key | Choose from “Passphrase” (8 – 63 |
Format | alphanumeric characters) or “Hex” (up to 64 |
| characters from 0‐9, a‐f and A‐F). |
Pre‐shared Key | Please enter a key according to the format you |
| selected above. A complex, hard‐to‐guess key |
| is recommended. Check the “Hide” box to hide |
| your password from being displayed on‐screen. |