III‐3‐5‐1‐3. WPA Pre‐Shared Key

WPA pre‐shared key is the recommended and most secure encryption type.

WPA Unicast

Select from WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES) or WPA2

Cipher Suite

Mixed. WPA2 (AES) is safer than WPA (TKIP),


but not supported by all wireless clients. Please


make sure your wireless client supports your


selection. WPA2 (AES) is recommended


followed by WPA2 Mixed if your client does not


support WPA2 (AES).

Pre‐shared Key

Choose from “Passphrase” (8 – 63


alphanumeric characters) or “Hex” (up to 64


characters from 0‐9, a‐f and A‐F).

Pre‐shared Key

Please enter a key according to the format you


selected above. A complex, hard‐to‐guess key


is recommended. Check the “Hide” box to hide


your password from being displayed on‐screen.


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Edimax Technology BR-6228NC V2 manual III‐3‐5‐1‐3. WPA Pre‐Shared Key, WPA Unicast, Cipher Suite, Pre‐shared Key, Format