IV. Appendix
IV‐1. Configuring your IP address
For first time access to the URL http://Edimax.Setup please ensure your computer is set to use a dynamic IP address. This means your computer can obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server. You can check if your computer is set to use a dynamic IP address by following IV‐1‐1. How to check that your computer uses a dynamic IP address.
Static IP users can also temporarily modify your computer’s IP address to be in the same IP address subnet e.g. 192.168.2.x (x = 3 – 254) as the BR‐6228nS V2/nC V2 in order to access http://Edimax.Setup.
The BR‐6228nS V2/nC V2’s default IP address is
The procedure for modifying your IP address varies across different operating systems; please follow the guide appropriate for your operating system in
IV‐1‐2. How to modify the IP address of your computer.
Static IP users please make a note of your static IP before you change it.
You can assign a new IP address to the device which is within the subnet of your network during setup or using the browser based configuration interface (refer to III‐3‐4. LAN). Then you can access the URL http://Edimax.Setup in future without modifying your IP address.
Please remember to change your IP address back to its original value after the device is properly configured.