III‐3‐5‐3. WPS
Wi‐Fi Protected Setup is a simple way to establish connections between WPS compatible devices. WPS can be activated on compatible devices by pushing a WPS button on the device or from within the device’s firmware/configuration interface. When WPS is activated in the correct manner and at the correct time for two compatible devices, they will automatically connect. PIN code WPS includes the use of a PIN code between the two devices for verification.
Enable WPS | Check/uncheck this box to enable/disable |
| WPS. |
WPS Status | Displays “Configured” or “unConfigured” |
| depending on whether WPS and SSID/security |
| settings for the device have been configured or |
| not, either manually or using the WPS button. |
Self PIN Code | Displays the WPS PIN code of the device. |
SSID | Displays the SSID (ESSID) of the device. |
Authentication | Displays the wireless security authentication |
Mode | mode of the device. |
Authentication Key | Displays the wireless security authentication |
| key. |
Configuration | The configuration mode of the device’s WPS |
Mode | setting is displayed here. “Registrar” means |
| the device acts as an access point for a wireless |
| client to connect to and the wireless client(s) |
| will follow the device’s wireless settings. |