Initial setting
Network PIN code setting
This is to set the Network PIN code to restrict the access from an unau- thorized person through the network.
Enter a
The projector's network part begins restarting and it takes about 20 sec- onds. Close (Quit) the web browser and access to the login page again in 20 seconds. This is to perform the login authentication firmly.
The default Network PIN code as [0000], which means no Network PIN code is set.
✐When you connect the projector to the network, it is recommended to set a new Network PIN code. Only a
✐If you forget the Network PIN code to the projector, you can check it by selecting "Network PIN code" sub menu from "Network" menu on the projector. For further information, please see item "Network PIN code setting" (+p.30, p.40).
PJLink and password setting
This is to set the PJLink password authentication on or off. If "On" is set with the PJLink
Refer to the projector owner's manual for further details of the PJLink function.
✐1 to 32 alphanumeric characters can be used for the password.
What's PJLink?
The projectors equipped with PJLink function can be used together on the same network, regardless of model or brand, for centralized control and monitoring. This standard was established by the Japan Busi- ness Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA). http://pjlink.jbmia.or.jp/