SNMP setting
Trap option
Trap option setting
Tick the check boxes in front of the condition item to send the trap.
✐Click Set button if you tick or un-tick the check box on a page.
oWhen PJ lamp is off.
oWhen PJ lamp replacement time is reached.
oWhen internal PJ power circuit is failed.
oWhen internal PJ temperature is too high.
oWhen PJ is turned into Standby in proper user operation.
oWhen lamp Corres. Value reaches
[ ] hours.
oWhen Power management function turns PJ lamp off.
oWhen the signal is interrupted.
oWhen Auto Play is failed.
oWhen accumulated filter use time
reaches [ ] hours.
✐ Up to 99,999 hours can be set for the time setting.
✐ If condition "When Auto Play is failed" is checked, the trap is sent when the error occurs during the auto dis- play operation using with the network viewer function (+p.109). For further information of the error, refer to
item "Auto Display setting and control page [3]"((+p.123).