A warning contains information essential to avoid a hazard that can cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if you ignore the warning.
A danger notice contains information essential to avoid a hazard that will cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if you ignore the message.
Typographical Conventions
EMC uses the following type style conventions in this manual:
AVANT GARDE | Keystrokes |
Palatino, | ◆ Dialog box, button, icon, and menu items in text |
bold | ◆ Selections you can make from the user interface, |
| including buttons, icons, options, and field |
| names |
Palatino, | ◆ New terms or unique word usage in text |
italic | ◆ Command line arguments when used in text |
| ◆ Book titles |
Courier, | Arguments used in examples of command line |
italic | syntax. |
Courier | System prompts and displays and specific |
| filenames or complete paths. For example: |
| working root directory [/user/emc]: |
| c:\Program Files\EMC\Symapi\db |
Courier, | User entry. For example: |
bold | symmpoll |
| |
Departmental Switch DS-16B2 Fabric OS Procedures Manual