CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check; a check for transmission errors included in every data frame.
Credit As applies to Fibre Channel, the number of receive buffers available for transmission of frames between ports. See also BB_Credit and EE_Credit.
Cut through A switching technique that allows the route for a frame to be selected as soon as the destination address is received. See also Route.
Data Word Type of transmission word that occurs within frames. The frame header, data field, and CRC all consist of data words. See also Frame, Ordered set, and Transmission Word.
Defined Zone The set of all zone objects defined in the fabric. May include multiple Configuration zone configurations. See also Enabled Configuration and Zone
Disparity The relationship of ones and zeros in an encoded character. Neutral disparity means an equal number of each, positive disparity means a majority of ones, and negative disparity means a majority of zeros.
DLS Dynamic Load Sharing; dynamic distribution of traffic over available paths. Allows for recomputing of routes when an Fx_Port or E_Port changes status.
Domain ID As applies to Departmental Switches, a unique number between 1 and 239 that identifies the switch to the fabric and is used in routing frames. Usually automatically assigned by the switch, but can be manually assigned.
E_D_TOV Error Detect Time out Value; the minimum amount of time a target waits for a sequence to complete before initiating recovery. Can also be defined as the maximum time allowed for a round trip transmission before an error condition is declared. See also R_A_TOV and RR_TOV.
E_Port Expansion Port; a type of switch port that can be connected to an
E_Port on another switch to create an ISL. See also ISL.
Departmental Switch Model