Port_Name The unique identifier assigned to a Fibre Channel port.
Communicated during login and port discovery.
POST Power On Self Test; a series of tests run by a switch after it is turned on.
Private An NL_Port that communicates only with other private NL_Ports in
NL_Port the same loop and does not log into the fabric.
Private Device A device that supports arbitrated loop protocol and can interpret 8 bit addresses, but cannot log into the fabric.
Private Loop An arbitrated loop that does not include a participating FL_Port.
Protocol A defined method and a set of standards for communication.
Public NL_Port An NL_Port that logs into the fabric, can function within either a public or a private loop, and can communicate with either private or public NL_Ports.
Public Device A device that supports arbitrated loop protocol, can interpret 8 bit addresses, and can log into the fabric.
Public Loop An arbitrated loop that includes a participating FL_Port, and may contain both public and private NL_Ports.
QuickLoop A Brocade product that makes it possible to allow private devices within loops to communicate with public and private devices across the fabric through the creation of a larger loop.
May also refer to the arbitrated loop created using this software. A QuickLoop can contain a number of devices or looplets; all devices in the same QuickLoop share a single AL_PA space.
R_A_TOV Resource Allocation Time out Value; the maximum time a frame can be delayed in the fabric and still be delivered. See also E_D_TOV and RR_TOV.
Departmental Switch Model