cgmSysMIB Description
Table 5-7 Event Codes and Severity (continued)
| Code | Severity | Description |
| bitsRlos/c (31/35) | Event | "Loss of signal" / "loss of signal cleared" event |
| detected on a BITS interface. |
| EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has |
| been detected (0 or 1). |
| bitsRais/c (32/36) | Event | "Alarm indication" / "Alarm indication cleared" event |
| detected on a BITS interface. |
| EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has |
| been detected (0 or 1). |
| bitsRyel/c (33/37) | Event | "Yellow alarm" / "Yellow alarm cleared" event |
| detected on a BITS interface. |
| EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has |
| been detected (0 or 1). |
| bitsRxSsmChange (38) | Event | A new synchronization status message has been |
| received. |
| EventData: The new SSM message received. |
| memoryLeak (100) | *Warning | The task checker has detected that the amount of |
| available memory has dropped below the critical |
| threshold. |
| memAllocError (101) | *Warning | Required memory could not be allocated. |
| EventData: The amount of memory which was |
| attempted to be allocated. |
| tftpError( 102) | Event | A TFTP error occurred (firmware update). |
| firmwareUpdateFailedNc (103) | Warning | The firmware update failed before accessing the boot |
| flash device. |
| firmwareUpdateFailedC (104) | *Critical | The firmware update failed possible corruption of the |
| boot flash device. |
| The standby boot flash image has not been made |
| active. |
| firmwareUpdateSuccess( 105) | Event | The firmware update completed successfully. |
| firmwareUpdateProgress (106) | Event | A firmware update progress message. |
| abnormalReset( 110) | Warning | The last reset resulted from a fatal error condition |
| (checkstop or watchdog). |
| EventData: A bit mask with the following values: |
| 0x10000000: Indicates watchdog reset |
| 0x08000000: Indicates checkstop reset |
| linkFailure (120) | Warning | The active network connection failed, the firmware |
| switched to the inactive link. |
| EventData: either 0 or 1, indicating the link which |
| failed. |
| linkSwitch (121) | Event | The active network link was switched. |
| EventData: The new active link (0 or 1) |
| info (200) | Info | General system information. |
| For debugging only. |
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