Formatting Diskettes

Before you can store data on a new diskette, you must format it using the FORMAT command. Formatting prepares the diskette so that MS-DOS can write data on it. You need to do this only once, before you use the diskette for the first time.

You can also reformat previously used diskettes to store new data. This process erases all the data on the diskette, so be sure you do not want to save any of the files on a used diskette before you format it. See your MS-DOSReference Manual for instructions on using the FORMAT command.

Making Backup Copies

It is important to make copies of all your data and system diskettes. Make backup (or working) copies of all diskettes that contain programs, such as your MS-DOS diskette and the Reference diskette that came with your computer. Then use only the copies. Store the original diskettes in a safe place away from your working diskettes. Also, copy your data diskettes regularly, whenever you revise them (to keep them up-to-date) and store them away from your originals.

If you have a hard disk, you’ll probably use it to store the programs and data files you use regularly. Keep backup copies of all your files on diskettes.

You can copy your data in several ways:

0You can use the COPY or XCOPY command to copy individual files or groups of files.

0You can use the DISKCOPY command to make an exact duplicate of a diskette.

3 -18Using Your Computer