For example, if you want your screen to display 132 columns and

25 rows, type the following and press Enter:

VGAMODE 132, 25

To use VGAMODE, you must configure the application program that uses VGAMODE for the same screen sire. See the appropriate section below for your application program(s).


Certain monitors cannot display 132 columns or 50 rows on the screen. The following table specifies the number of rows that can be displayed on common monitors:

Running WordStar, versions 4.0 and 5.0

After you install WordStar version 4.0 or 5.0 on your hard disk, follow these steps:

1.Install the VGAMODE utility, if you have not already done SO.

2.Log onto your WordStar directory.

3.Type the following and press Enter to start WordStar’s installation program:


4. The program asks for the name of your WordStar program file. If you installed WordStar without changing the

program filename, this file is named WS.EXE. Type the filename and press Enter.

4-14 Enhancing System Operations