If you see one of the following errors, there may be a problem with the controller or the test cable:

Error - Break detected

Error - Framing error

Error - Overrun error

Error - Parity error

Error - Time out!

Check to make sure that the test connector is securely connected to the port. If the error persists, contact your dealer.

Exiting System Diagnostics

To exit from the System diagnostics program, press ESC You see the following prompt:

DO YOU want to exit diag (Y/N)? N

Before you press a key, remove the Reference diskette from drive A. If you do not have a hard disk, insert your MS-DOS Startup diskette in the drive. Then press Y and Enter to exit the program. You see this message:

Stand by while system is rebooting.

The computer loads MS-DOS and you see either the C> or A> prompt.

Performing System Diugnostics
