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TM-T81 Specification (STANDARD)
GS W nL nH
[Name] Set print area width
[Format] ASCII GS W nL nH
Hex 1D 57 nL nH
Decimal 29 87 nL nH
[Range] 0 (nL + nH × 256) 65535 (0 nL 255 , 0 nH 255)
[Default] (nL + nH × 256) = 512 (nL = 0 , nH = 2)
[Description] In standard m ode, sets the print area width to [(nL + nH × 256) × (horizontal motion
GS \ nL nH
[Name] Set relative verti cal print position in page mode
[Format] ASCII GS \ nL nH
Hex 1D 5C nL nH
Decimal 29 92 nL nH
[Range] -32768 (nL + nH × 256) 32767
[Description] In page m ode, moves the vertical print positi on to [(nL + nH × 256) × (vertical or
horizontal motion unit)] f rom the current position.
A positive number specifies downward mov ement, and a negative number specifies
upward movement.
GS ^ r t m
[Name] Execute macro
[Format] ASCII GS ^ r t m
Hex 1D 5E r t m
Decimal 29 94 r t m
[Range] 1 r 255
0 t 255
m = 0, 1
[Description] Ex ec ut es the macro that was defined with GS :.
m Operation
0 Executes the macro r times continuously at an interval of [t × 100 ms].
1 After waiting for [t × 100 ms], flashes the LED indicator and wait s f or the
FEED button to be pressed. (The printer does nothi ng until then.) After
the button is pressed, executes the macro once.
Then repeats the operation r times.