Command | ASCII (Telnet) | URL Encoded (Web) | Response | |
(Host to Switcher) | (Host to Switcher) | (Switcher to Host) | ||
| ||||
| |
IP Setup Commands |
Set the unit name24
Set unit name to factory default24 View unit name24
Set date and time24
View date and time
E X1@ CN} | W X1@ CN | Ipn•X1@ ] |
E•CN} | W %20 CN | Ipn•X4( ] |
E CN} |
| X1@ ] |
E X1# CT} |
| Ipn•X1# ] |
| Example: |
| |
E CT} | W CT | X1# ] |
| Example: |
| Tues, 16 NOV 2011 |
| 10:10:54:00 ] |
Set GMT offset24 View GMT offset
Set daylight savings time24 View daylight savings time Set DHCP on24
Set DHCP off24 View DHCP mode Set IP address24 View IP address
View hardware (MAC) address Set subnet mask24
View subnet mask
Set gateway IP address24 View gateway IP address Set verbose mode24
E X# CZ} | W X# CZ | Ipz X# ] |
E CZ} | W CZ | X# ] |
E X3$ CX} | W X3$ CX | Ipx X3$ ] |
E CX} | W CX | X3$ ] |
E 1 DH] | W 1 DH | Idh 1] |
E 0 DH] | W 0 DH | Idh 0] |
E DH] | W DH | X% ] |
E X1$ CI} | W X1$ CI | Ipi• X1$ ] |
E CI} | W CI | X1$ ] |
E CH} | W CH | X1* ] |
E X1( CS} | W X1( CS | Ips• X1( ] |
E CS} | W CS | X1( ] |
E X1$ CG} | W X1$ CG | Ipg•X1$ ] |
E CG} | W CG | X1$ ] |
E X2@ CV} | W X2@ CV | Vrb X2@ ] |
NOTE: The IPL T PCS4 can send out unsolicited information (such as notice of a power level change). This is called a
verbose (wordy) relationship between the interface and a connected device. When the IPL T PCS4 is connected to the computer via Ethernet, verbose mode is disabled (by default) in order to reduce the amount of communication
traffic on the network. If you want to use the verbose mode with the PCS4 connected via Ethernet, this mode must
be set to On each time you reconnect to the network.
View verbose mode status | E CV} | W CV | X2@ ] |
Get connection listing | E CC} | W CC | Number of connections |
Password and Security Settings
Set administrator password24 | E X3# CA} | W X3# CA | Ipa•X4! ] |
Clear administrator password24 | E•CA} | W %20 CA | Ipa•] |
NOTE: A user password cannot be assigned if an administrator password does not exist. If the administrator password is
cleared (removed), the user password is also removed.
View administrator password24 | E CA} | W CA | X4! ] |
Set user password14 24 | E X3# CU} | W X3# CU | Ipu•X4! ] |
Clear user password24 | E•CU} | W %20 CU | Ipu•] |
View user password24 | E CU} | W CU | X4! ] |
Query session security level | E CK} | W CK | X5@ ] |