Users Manual
A client is a computer that makes requests of a server. A client has only one user; a server is shared by many users.
A collision is the result of two or more nodes transmitting at the same time. Excessive collisions are most often caused by a problem with the physical media.
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
In CSMA/CD, each node or station has equal access to the network. Before transmitting, each station waits until the network is not busy. Since each node has equal access to the network, a collision (two stations transmitting at the same time) can occur. If a collision occurs, the affected nodes will wait a random time to retransmit. Ethernet uses the CSMA/CD access method.
Crossed Pair
A wiring error in twisted pair cabling in which a pair on one connector of the cable is wired to a different pair on the other end of the cable.
Crosstalk is electrical interference generated by signal coupling between wires in a multiwire cable.
Decibels below 1 mW (1 milliwatt). The logarithmic measure of the ratio of the output power of a signal to an input signal of 1 mW.
Digital Equipment Corporation’s set of communication protocols for networking computers.