This instruction is used for multiplying 8 bits of the AL by 8 bits of the TL without a sign and stores the 16- bit result in the accumulator (A). The contents of the temporary accumulator (T) do not change. In the operation, the original contents of the AH and TH are not used. Since the flag does not change, attention must be paid to the result of multiplication when branching accordingly.
[Example] MULU A, T Before execution
A 5678H
After execution
A 1860H
This instruction is used for dividing 16 bits of the temporary accumulator (T) by 16 bits of the A without a sign and stores the results as 16 bits in the A and the remainder as 16 bits in the T. When A is 0000H, Z flag is 1 as 0 division. At this time, the operation result is not guaranteed.
[Example] | DIVU A | ||
| Before execution | ||
A |
| 1234H |
| |
T |
| ||
| 5678H |
| |
After execution
A | 0004H |
T |
| |
0DA8H | |
This instruction is used for exchanging the contents of the accumulator (A) for those of the program counter (PC). As a result, the program branches to the address indicated by the contents of the original accumulator and the contents of the current accumulator become the value of the address next to the one where the instruction code XCHW A, PC is stored. This instruction is provided especially for specifying tables using the main routine and for subroutines to use them.
[Example] XCHW A, PC
| Before execution |
A | 5678H | A |
PC | 1234H | PC |
After execution
When this instruction is executed, the contents of the accumulator are the same as those of the address where the code for the next instruction is stored and not the address where the code for this instruction is stored. The above example shows that the value of the accumulator 1235H agrees with that of the address where the instruction code next to XCHW A, PC is stored. Consequently, 1235H not 1234H is indicated.