8.4 fi-486TRK (Thinner paper Roller Kit)

fi-486TRK provides smooth paper feeding when reading documents smaller than Letter/A4 size

and thinner than the standard thickness (31 g/m2 to 52 g/m2 or 12.4 lbs to 14 lbs). It is also effective for scanning documents with paper dust. Refer to the section "6.2 Document Quality (on page 6-3)"for the document thickness.

For details on attaching fi-486TRK, refer to the sections "4.3 Replacing the Pad ASSY (on page 4-4)", "4.4 Replacing the Pick Roller Unit (on page 4-9)"and "4.5 Replacing the Brake Roller Unit (on page 4-12)".

fi-486TRK contains the following parts.


Standard replacement cycle





Pick Roller Unit

300,000 sheets or 1 year

(Rubber foam)




Brake Roller(Rubber

300,000 sheets or 1 year






300,000 sheets or 1 year



When using fi-486TRK, documents of coated paper (e.g. photos, magazines,

HINTetc.) may not be fed into the ADF successfully. For scanning such docu- ments, the standard pick roller unit and the brake roler unit are recom- mended.



8.4 fi-486TRK (Thinner paper Roller Kit) 8-5