
International Telex Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
ADV Advise
ACK Acknowledge
AGN Again
BI (GS) Good bye
BK I cut off.
CFN Confirm
COL Collation
CRV How do you receive?
DER Out of order
DWN Down
EEE Error
FM From
GA Go ahead.
MNS Minutes
MOM Wait (Waiting)
MUTI Mutilated
NA Correspondence to this subscriber is not admitted.
NC No circuits
NCH Snbscribers number has been changed.
NP The called party is not or no longer is a subscriber.
NR Indicate your call number.
OCC Subscriber is engaged.
OK Agreed.
P (or 0) Stop your transmission.
PLS (PSE) Please
PPR Paper
P (RCD) Received
RAP I will call you again.
RD Reed
RE Referring to
RPT Repeat
SRY Sorry
SVP Please
TAX What is the charge?
TEST MSG Please send a test message?
THRU You are in communication with telex position
TKS (TNX) Thanks
TLX Telex